I'm always mixing up random cocktails, since my mom doesn't really ever have a ton of mixers. But what she does have is a lot of random booze. For example:
What the hell cocktail am I supposed to make with this?!?!
Anyhoodles, as a result, I usually just whip up whatever I can find. I used to do this a lot in college, especially for making shots (just ask my friends the crazy concoctions I put together!). Tonight, I made some banana cupcakes and made a random cocktail to have with. I posted it on my twitter, and one of my friends encouraged me to name it, so I deemed it the Chateau Gibb (although, don't be mad if I make something else that has that name too! I need a "house" cocktail for the Chateau). Here goes nothin... :)
- 2 parts citrus vodka
- 3 parts pomegranate-cranberry juice
- 1 part OJ
On a side note, I will fervently try to write more for you three readers. I do have a lot of recipes to write up, I just never feel very inspired to write something witty and educational. But, it'll be my personal goal for August to blog more than once! And if you're lucky, maybe I'll come up with some wackadoo cocktail that uses that Hot Damn! cinnamon schnapps. (Wonder what the hell Jane B ever used that for??)