Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chimichurri Hamburgers

Remember when you made ALL that chimichurri the other day? Well, you could eat it all in one sitting, invite a group of friends over to finish it off, or you can save some and make chimichurri hamburgers. I'll show you how.

Start with 1 lb of ground beef. Add in about 1/4 cup of chimichurri, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Usually 1 lb of ground beef makes 4 burgers. If you divide it into fourths in the bowl, it makes portioning the burgers easier.

Form into large patties--they will shrink during cooking. The burgers will usually puff up in the middle during cooking and to combat that you can make the middle of the patties thinner in the middle.

My favorite pan is a heavy cast iron skillet, I stole it from my mom, but it's a Le Creuset (of course!). Since we don't have a grill, I cook a lot of things that would be usually grilled in the skillet. If you do use a frying pan, make sure it's super hot so that the outside of the burgers will sear and seal in all the flavors.

Because of the oil in the chimichurri, these will spray grease all over your stove, so make sure you cover the pan either with paper towels (but be careful they don't catch on fire) or one of those handy dandy mesh covers to keep the grease from getting everywhere.

Cook them until they are done to your likeness. When I made these the first time (the first time I ever made burgers EVER) I cooked them too long and they were a little dry. Cooking is an eternal experiment, and you have to try things and mess up, to know how to get it right the next time. A dry burger isn't the end of the world! Just keep trying:)

Add a bun, your favorite toppings and some french fries and you got a delicious and flavorful meal.

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