Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Spicy Beer Bread

A few weeks ago I posted about a Honey Beer Bread I made that was literally the easiest bread ever to make. Well, last weekend, my roommate and I were out at our favorite local watering hole, Riverside Market. Side note--Riverside Market is literally the coolest, most chill place to go and have a beer. It's a little off the beaten path, but they have amazing food and a ridiculous beer selection. If you live in Ft Lauderdale, definitely check it out when you're jonesin' for a chill day or night. The past few times I've gone there I've had my eye on this Billy's Chilies Beer and I tried it when my roomie and I were there.

The beer actually gave me an ulcer I think...I can totally handle REALLY spicy food, but I think it was the combo of the spiciness and the carbonation that did me in. My tummy hurt really bad. But then I thought that it might make an interesting combo in the bread.

So I bought an extra bottle and whipped up a loaf Sunday morning after my run (I also was out of honey so I used maple syrup instead and you couldn't taste the difference). And the bread was... interesting. Not bad, but it definitely tasted like the beer, just a more subtle spicy flavor. The peeps at work loved it (I'm beginning to think they'll eat anything??) so that was a positive! I think it would've been really great with chili or to make spicy crutons on gazpacho.

But, just goes to show, you gotta experiment with things! I always say, follow the recipe to the T the first time, and afterwards adjust it as you see fit. (Although, following that rule has definitely done me in a few times, when I've read something and said.. WAIT no that can't be right.. and then I do it and it definitely isn't right.) And always, USE what you have!! The internet is a great resource and I would've never thought to use maple syrup instead of honey, but it worked out!

Have you ever experimented in a recipe and it worked out? Or didn't work out??

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