Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So I made homemade Adobo on Friday to share with you all, but a big malfunction happened when I transferred the photos from my camera to the computer. I thought the pictures were transferred on my computer, so I deleted them off my camera. Turns out they didn't transfer right and I lost all my pictures. So, that's why there's no pictures to accompany this post. :(

1/4 cup paparika
3 tablespoons ground black pepper
2 tablespoons onion powder
2 tablespoons dried oregano
2 tablespoons ground cumin
1 tablespoon chipotle chili powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder

Mix everything and store until you need it!

I try to always grind my spices fresh whenever I need them. You can get bags of whole cumin seeds and black peppercorns (and a lot of other spices!) at Sam's Club, the local spice store, or an ethnic store -- think Indian market, Bravo, etc. Then, go purchase a cheap coffee grinder, I got mine for $10 from Walmart. You definitely don't want to use the same grinder you use for your coffee. Then, you can grind your own spices whenever you need them! I also keep extra jars for the spices, like empty spaghetti sauce jars. You can keep the whole spices in them, or if you want to make your own spice mixes (like adobo or jerk mix, just google spice mixes) you can make extra and store the mixes in the jars until you need to use them.

A picture of the completed product--this is what yours should look like!

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